July 1, 2024
Chilliwack BC
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all of us command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.[1]
We, at the PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association would like you to enjoy the very best of days this Canada Day (Dominion Day for us older folk)!
John Diefenbaker famously stated, "I am Canadian, a free Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship God in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, free to choose those who govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind." (John Diefenbaker, House of Commons Debates, 1 July 1960)
"To this day, the saying 'I am Canadian' invokes strong sentiments based on the understanding that Canadian law acknowledges the equality of all citizens."[2]
Today, we celebrate what we have, what is worth fighting for, and what defines us as a people. We are reminded of the gross mismanagement of the governments within Canada, yes. But we see the truth of the matter, that we are Canadian! We set the tone today, so our children and grandchildren may enjoy their tomorrows.
The egregious government largess and mismanagement to which we are witness today was on full display even in Diefenbaker's era. "Diefenbaker read from an internal report provided to the St. Laurent government in early 1957, warning that a recession was coming, and stated, "Across the way, Mr. Speaker, sit the purveyors of gloom who would endeavour for political purposes, to panic the Canadian people ... They had a warning ... Did they tell us that? No. Mr. Speaker, why did they not reveal this? Why did they not act when the House was sitting in January, February, March, and April? They had the information ... You concealed the facts, that is what you did."[3]
We take courage on days like today. We choose courage.
Elizabeth Drocholl, PPC candidate of record for Chilliwack-Hope, noted in her March 2023 article, Canada's Insurance Policy, "There are still many people who are not aware of the PPC and its policies. The [sitting MPs] in their riding, are not doing their job and need to be held accountable. You are encouraged to contact the MPs and discuss with them, what they could do better. In total, there are 342 ridings. It is Maxime’s goal to increase the percentage of those who vote for the PPC to 10%. There are 40% of Canadians who also do not vote. It is our goal to reach these voters. The PPC has 6% of the popular vote without publicity. Can you imagine what we could do if we had publicity? Please consider volunteering for the PPC, since the time you give is an investment in your families, your future and your country."[4]
It is to this end that the PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association has been working on Operation: Plus One, which "is about election readiness. Our election readiness is grounded on one fact. 2019 and 2021 showed us that 1 active party member is equal to 20 votes! Therefore we are focusing on maximizing party membership. The rest will follow: volunteers, donors, directors, candidates, and votes.
"Social media pages will be updated and will be more active. Our Facebook group is at www.facebook.com/peoplespfv. Please invite as many as you can to join our Facebook group page."[5]
Jeff Galbraith, PPC candidate of record for Mission-Matsqui-Abbotsford writes in, Freedom: Use it or Lose it, "We have heard in our bygone days of education, stories of countries that were enveloped in a society of dictatorial regimes that led to the demise of their nations for decades. We have Canadians living here today who have survived and escaped from those regions to become loyal, hardworking Canadian citizens who are trying to tell us what they are seeing here today is exactly how it went down in their younger days. It is eerily familiar to them. We must be willing to heed their warnings and protect ourselves, preserve our rights and freedoms, and provide for a future for our posterity. We are in this together for all of our futures. We must stand together united, lest we fall divided."[6]
In our Christmas message, I noted, "Our goal for 2024 is to double our active membership. And then we will double again in 2025. According to our statistics, one active member is equal to 20 votes! If every member was able to persuade one person to become a member of the People's Party of Canada we could see our total votes across all three districts go from 12,000 in 2021 to 60,000 in 2025. Realistic target simulations based on votes counted from 2021 (7% low) jump to more than double (15%) at the next election. Simply by helping you recruit one new member.
"Remember one active member equals 20 votes! It's time to send not one, not two, but three PPC candidates to Parliament Hill as your duly elected representative Members of Parliament.
"Join us! Let's enter 2024 with refreshed vigour and sharpened focus. Renew your membership to 2025. Sign a friend - or a frenemy - up for the next two years.[7]
We invite you to learn more about the policies with which the PPC will lead Canada to stability.[8]
On this 157th birthday of this great nation, we remember the cost by which we enjoy our freedoms, the respect of our international neighbours, the fairness with which we treat our fellows within our borders, and the grave responsibility we share to maintain Canada in a state that is easily recognisable as "strong" and "free"!
Happy Canada Day!
Remember, 1 active party member is equal to 20 votes!
Note from your PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association
Help fellow Canadians - from all walks of life - who want a Canada that stands for Freedom, Respect, Fairness, and Responsibility at all levels of governance. Help us defend the Constitution of Canada so that its guarantees are made fully available for all citizens of Canada.
2 years is only $18! 5 years is only $35. If you renew or buy your PPC Membership through your candidate on record's recruitment link below they will receive your donation to use in their own election campaign.
Resident of Chilliwack-Hope? Renew or buy your PPC Membership
Resident of Mission-Matsqui-Abbotsford? Renew or buy your PPC Membership
Resident of Abbotsford-South Langley? Renew or buy your PPC Membership
Volunteer your valuable time and energy to local public relations efforts to raise awareness of the People's Party of Canada. We need physical help to get the message out to like-minded Canadians.
Donate (one-time or monthly) to Restore Freedom! We have set up an automatic monthly donation of $33 that totals just under the $400/year threshold and gives you a 75% tax credit for your donation. You may donate up to $1,725 for 2024 at the district level and national headquarters, for a total maximum contribution of $3,450. Click here for more information.
Follow us online
Subscribe to your PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association website for updates and event notices!
Fraser Valley Regional Association on Facebook
Elizabeth Drocholl (Chilliwack-Hope):Â Facebook
Jeff Galbraith (Mission-Matsqui-Abbotsford): Â Facebook
Vacant Seat (Abbotsford-South Langley): Â Coming soon!
Good work everyone and thank you for the ongoing efforts.
Happy Canada Day, everyone. We can have many more when we work together to make it happen. Cheers.