Jeff Galbraith, PPC candidate of record for Mission-Matsqui-Abbotsford
February 1, 2024
I will be honest, I was among them. This is just a fraction of the number of fed up, and many other expressions of angered Canadians who signed e-Petition 4701. We the People deserve to have our voices heard and our rights and freedoms upheld. We must be ready to take back our House, our rights, our freedoms, our sovereignty. We are the ones in this together, for ourselves, our children, our nation and our future.
I am learning, that petitions are nothing more than a name and email collection strategy to be used by the sponsoring parties to promote themselves going forward with promises of a false hope. They are carrots to offer, those that sign the petition, an incentive to keep the sponsoring party at the trough. So let's remember this the next time we see a "sponsored" petition. This minority government, with not only the support of the NDP, but also the Bloc, is under no obligation to recognize this or any petitions. Unless of course, it comes from a governing party supporter.
Question: Does anyone remember any petition, in recent history, being used to change or alter anything, or does it die on the floor of the House, under foot? Even PET during his time in office, had a petition of over 1 million signatures for protecting the unborn. Does anyone remember what happened then???
As I learn and grow into this new phase of my life, I trust you will come to understand that I am not a politician, I am not a political science major or minor, for that matter. I am not backed by any silver spoon trust fund. I am a white, Anglo-Canadian, blue-collar working, highly taxed, over-governed, toxic male that is part of the fringe minority that holds common sense and unacceptable views.
I am willing to ask for help and will use the PPC foundational pillars of Freedom, Respect, Responsibility and Fairness to ensure it works. I am finding myself surrounded by those who are more knowledgeable in all things political to help, guide and assist me in the future to better understand what is happening.
I am learning and growing into the fact that currently the House of Commons, the People's House, is political theatre currently being led by a former part-time drama teacher. A good guy bad guy kind of smoke and mirrors mystery, most times it is even comical. It is filled with actors, those who were supposedly elected by their constituents to represent them in Ottawa. Instead, what we got were those who were handpicked to follow the party line. Now they are supported by donations from big corporations, big unions, big pharma, foreign entities, and special interest groups which are all supported by the same big-money entities.
If we are honest and open about this, since we don't have federal legislation regarding recall, the only power we the people currently have is a vote, an X beside a name with a party that best aligns with each of our values and morals.
We need each other to change that which we are no longer willing to accept. Our party and our area are looking for volunteers to assist in the transition.
I look forward to working with each and every one of you to garner a new system of governance.
Note from your PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association
Help fellow like-minded Canadians - from all walks of life - who want a Canada that stands for Freedom, Respect, Fairness, and Responsibility at all levels of governance. Help us defend the Constitution of Canada so that its guarantees are made fully available for all citizens of Canada.
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Elizabeth Drocholl (PPC candidate of record, Chilliwack-Hope): Facebook
Jeff Galbraith (PPC candidate of record, Mission-Matsqui-Abbotsford): Facebook
Vacant Seat (PPC candidate of record, Abbotsford-South Langley): Coming soon!
Fraser Valley Regional Association on Facebook
I don't see you link to donate to your campaign FYI
Nice to meet you. Very good to see. Congrats we need everyone to get a quick education! Thank you.