In Your Neighbourhood
We believe that there is no single best way to reach out to neighbourhoods, no one event, no one answer. Every little bit helps when it comes to making an impact.
There are many meaningful ways you can help us succeed in our mission. Have an idea that’s not listed below? Reach out and let us know.
Watch the Mad Max Live show, host a potluck or BBQ, coordinate a local clean-up day at your local creek, or mow lawns in your cul-de-sac. We'll talk about how we can make a difference in Canadian politics at the federal, provincial, municipal, and neighbourhood levels.
Message On A Bottle Drive!
We are planning an ongoing public relations program to build awareness of the Party and your candidates at the neighbourhood level.
Its tongue-in-cheek title is Message On A Bottle Drive.
Who: 2 - 3 volunteers
When: Daylight hours, afternoons on weekends and evenings on weekdays for 2 hours or so, long enough to hand out a minimum of two cases of PPC-labelled bottled water
Where: Public parks, Dog parks, Hiking trails. Note that table set-up needs to be outside of the park and on public space such as a grassed section between the sidewalk and the park entry in such a manner as to keep park access clear for public foot traffic. It will be prudent to use the six-foot rule to reduce "COVID" complaints.
What: Host a folding table outside a park entrance and give out water bottles labelled with a PPC sticker that identifies the full Party name and invites people to go to our website to sign up for news and updates.
Such a small public relations drive can be implemented by local volunteers in each district, and in multiple parks at the same time if volunteer numbers permit.
This will give District Directors and their local volunteers a high degree of autonomy to schedule and participate as best fits their needs and goals.
Your District Director will supply the table, water bottles, iced coolers, branding, hats and t-shirts from their District Event Kits. Note: we would appreciate donations specifically set aside to buy 3 folding tables, probably 6,000 branded labels (2,000 in each of 3 districts), 6,000 water bottles (2,000 in each of 3 districts), 18 hats and 18 t-shirts (2 tables of 3 volunteers in each of our 3 electoral districts).
We will update you with the projected cost as we determine whether or not there is enough interest to implement the program. Volunteers are a scarce resource and worth their weight in gold, and we're looking for 6 in each district who would be prepared to commit to this public relations drive.
If you want to participate in this public relations drive please email with "Bottle Drive" in the Subject Line and give us your full name, email address, and the town in which you want to participate. We will connect you to your District Director who will lead the Message On A Bottle Drive in your town.