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Canada First!

Support PPC awareness and operations in the Fraser Valley.

  1. [INDIVIDUAL] - One-time donation in various amounts.

  2. [MONTHLY] - Ongoing donation of $33 until December 31, 2024.

  3. [eTransfer] - Add the PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association to your eTransfers using The account name is "PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association".

Effective January 1, 2024, you may donate up to $1,725 per year to two of three entities: your candidate, your district association, and the national headquarters, for a total maximum contribution of $3,450. The maximum possible tax credit remains $650.00.

Donations and Tax Credits

$1 - $400

Receive a 75% tax credit

  • $400 returns a
    $300 tax credit

$401 - $750

Receive a 50% tax credit

  • $750 returns a
    $375 tax credit

$751 - $1,725

Receive a 33.33% tax credit

  • $1,725 returns a
    $574.94 tax credit



All Canadians with taxable income receive generous tax credits when they donate to the People's Party of Canada. The size of your reduction in taxes payable depends, among other factors, on the sum of all your political contributions.



Only Canadian citizens or permanent residents may make political contributions, in each of the following amounts:

  • No more than $1,725CAD in any calendar year to each registered political party

  • No more than $1,725CAD in total in any calendar year to the combined entities of each registered political party (Electoral District Associations, Nomination Contestants and Candidate campaigns)

  • No more than $1,725CAD in total between all registered leadership contestants in a particular leadership contest.



Your support helps the People's Party of Canada to restore Freedom, Respect, Fairness and Responsibility to Canada.


Do you have more questions about donating to the People's Party of Canada?

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